If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at Milabah or in the School, call in, have a cuppa and let's see where your interests will take you. We have a need for help in Breakfast Buddies, the Garden Group, listening to children read in the classroom, P&C, canteen. If you have any time to spare, why not be involved in your child/ grandchild/ neighbour's education by becoming a part of our community at Windale Public School.
The Schools as Community Centres (SaCC) program is an early intervention and prevention interagency program funded through Families NSW with other interagency partnerships. The Department of Education and communities, as the lead agency responsible for the administration of the program, commits to provide a range of evidence to support the program to various stakeholders as part of the funding arrangements.

Priorities are to ensure that all children have every opportunity to live and learn in a supporting family and community environment.
Strategies & Outcomes
The SaCC Facilitator implements strategies within families and communities to achieve these outcomes.
Strategies for children, families and community:
- supported playgroup, grandparents/carers group
- health, nutrition and well being programs
- transition programs
- parenting programs, advice and support
- self help and personal growth programs
- develop partnerships between school, families and community
- connect families and students to appropriate services
- community capacity building activities
Outcomes for children, families and community:
- parents and carers are supported and valued in their role
- children and families are healthy
- children have a positive start to school
- children are learning at home and school
- parents develop positive parenting skills
- families and students are engaged with school
- families are aware of and have access to Interagency support
- the School is a focus of community activity
The important role parents have as the first educators of their children and the strong influence of attitudes and outcomes of their children's education emphasises the need for Schools, families and community to work together to ensure that our children achieve and succeed.
Contact Details:
Schools as Community Centre
Windale Public School, Kilfera St, Windale
Roselea Newburn - Facilitator, Mon - Thur
Allison Forsyth - Facilitator, Friday
Phone: 02 4948 7786
Fax: 02 4948 9720
E-mail: roselea.newburn@det.nsw.edu.au
E-mail: allison.forsyth@det.nsw.edu.au