Windale Public School

Dream Believe Achieve

Telephone02 4948 8864

General Information and Enrolment


The information presented in this booklet is intended to be helpful to you as your child enters our school. We look forward to developing a relationship with you so that we are able to provide a happy learning environment where your child/ren feel safe and secure, working towards reaching their emotional, social, physical and academic potential.


Phone Number                               (02) 49 488864

School e-mail address:         

School Web page:                 

Address:                                           Kilfera Street, Windale, 2306

Facebook:                                        Windale Public School

TERM DATES 2022 for Students

Term 1 Tuesday February 1st - Friday 8th April
Term 2 Wednesday 27th April - Friday 1st July
Term 3 Tuesday 19th July - Friday 23rd September 
Term 4 Monday 10th October - Monday 19th December


Children can start kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn 5 on or before 31 July that year. All children must be in compulsory schooling by their 6th birthday.

An “Application for Enrolment” form must be completed and a Birth Certificate presented to Office staff.  Immunisation details are also compulsory.  Other forms to be completed for school administration purposes are available from the Office.

Please click here to go to our school enrolment page.