Please provide the school with current emergency contact numbers, should you be unavailable in the event of your child becoming too ill to remain at School. In the case of separated parents, please ensure that access details are clearly defined so that staff can contact the designated parent. These contact phone numbers need to be updated regularly. If your child is ill before school, it is better for him/her to stay at home to avoid the spread of infection. When a child becomes seriously ill, or is seriously injured in an accident at school, medical attention will be immediately sought by the School Principal or nominee. Parents are then notified as soon as possible.
At other times a child may feel ill, but respond to a rest period in the Sick Bay, before returning to class. If your child becomes ill at school and needs to go home we will contact you to collect your child. You will need to sign a form at the Office before collecting your child from the Sick Bay area or classroom. The signed form needs to be presented to the class teacher to fulfil the legal requirements of attendance.
Animals are not permitted on the school grounds at anytime, without prior approval of the Principal. Please make sure that all animals remain outside when collecting your child, due to hygiene and safety concerns. This includes animals on leads and being carried.
Legislation and School Policy requires that students attend school each day. This makes learning easier and helps build and maintain friendships. Missing out on school means missing out on the basics of learning in the early years of school, creating problems later on. It is a Departmental requirement that a note is sent to the class teacher explaining each absence, with extended time (3 or more days) covered by a doctor’s certificate, where possible.
Students must demonstrate knowledge of road rules, have a safe bicycle and the law says bicycle riders must wear an approved helmet. The law recommends that Kindergarten children do not ride bicycles to school. It also recommends the wearing of helmets when riding scooters and the DEC supports this advice.
- This service is available to all children because of the voluntary efforts of parents.
- The cost to the children is kept to a minimum. The canteen contributes each year to the purchase of new equipment for the school.
- If you can find time to help, your effort will be most appreciated by all.
- Price lists of available items are sent to all families on a regular basis or as requested.
- Lunches can be ordered from 8:30am and all orders should be placed before 9:00am. Any student wishing to buy recess should also order it before school.
- The canteen cannot extend credit or fold money in credit.
- No child or student is permitted in the canteen.
Families and staff must work in partnership to achieve the best possible academic and social outcomes for students. The Principal and all staff are happy to discuss any issues with parents. Class time, however, is not an appropriate time to do this. We would ask that parents/caregivers call at the Office, phone or send a note requesting a convenient interview time.
Please bring any family custody or Family Law Court Orders for us to copy. If proceedings have not gone this far, and you have concerns about access, please discuss this with the Principal.
During the year excursions are organised by the school or the class teacher to support the school curriculum. You may be assured that only programs that further the learning and social development of your child will be planned. When your child enrols you will be asked to sign a Local Excursion permission note, which gives the school permission to take your child out on an excursion within the local vicinity.
For all other excursions a permission note will be sent home. These notes must be signed and returned to school. If there is a cost associated with an excursion and you are having financial worries please see the Office staff or the Principal for assistance.
Information is shared on the Windale Facebook page.
Head Lice is a fact of school life and need not be a cause for embarrassment. Prompt treatment is essential, making sure that all eggs have been removed. All articles of clothing, bed linen and towelling must also be treated.
Student shall be excluded from school under the following circumstances:
Chicken Pox | Until fully recovered (NB-some remaining scabs are not an indication for continued exclusion.) |
Impetigo (School sores) |
Until sores have fully healed. Students may be allowed to return to school provided that treatment is being undertaken and sores on exposed surfaces such as scalp, face, hands, and legs are properly covered with dressing. |
Measles | For at least 7 days from the appearance of the rash or a medical certificate of recovery is produced. |
Mumps | Until fully recovered. |
Rubella | Until fully recovered and at least 4 days from the start of the rash. |
Scabies | Until appropriate treatment has commenced supported by a medical certificate. |
Whooping Cough | For 4 weeks or until a medical certificate of recovery is produced. |
Ringworm | Until appropriate treatment has commenced supported by a medical certificate. |
The School Library operates with the assistance of a Teacher/Librarian for three days per week. Lunch time borrowing is available on those days. Children are requested to bring a material bag in which to carry library books. These are available for purchase from the Office or a pillowcase can be used.
Children sit under the shelters to eat their lunch from 11:00am until 11:10am. After 11:10am they may go to the Canteen and play outside under supervision of the teachers on duty. If your child forgets his/her lunch they need to see the teacher on duty and a phone call will be made to parents or food will be organised within the school. Students must wear a school hat when outside.
If your child requires medication to be administered at school, please contact our Office staff for the appropriate form for the administration of medications. The school cannot administer over the counter medications (including Panadol).
- At various times children are required to bring money to school for excursions, fund-raising, etc.
- Money should be placed in a sealed envelope (take care to seal the corners where coins can roll out), with child’s name and class written on the front.
- The envelope should be returned to the location indicated on the letter requesting the money.
- All money to be returned to the Office should be handed in before school.
- All money to be returned to the class teacher should be handed in during roll call.
- Please ensure that your child knows where and when the money is to be handed in.
- Receipts are issued for all money collected at the Office.
A newsletter is published on Facebook, the school website and Skoolbag fortnightly. The newsletter is an important means of communication between home and school. It contains information about what’s happening during the coming week(s), as well as articles submitted by both teachers and students.
The Parent and Citizen Association meets on the last Monday of every month at 12:15pm in Milabah. New members are always very welcome. The money raised by the P&C is used to provide additional equipment and resources which benefit all our children.
Each year the school is visited by various artists and theatre groups. These performances are all approved by the NSW Department of Education and Communities and they are selected to support the development of your child. We request that you support our choice and allow your child to attend and enjoy these opportunities.
- Parents will appreciate the need for clothing to be clearly marked with the child’s given and family names.
- Clothes that are clearly marked are returned to students.
- Children are encouraged not to bring expensive toys or items to school, including MP3 players and mobile phones.
- The school will not accept responsibility for the loss or damage of a child’s personal belongings.
- Any clothing or belongings misplaced can easily be returned to their owners if clearly marked with the child’s name. Unmarked items will be collected and placed in the Lost Property containers.
The Playgroup was formed to meet the needs of children 0-5 years from the Windale Community. The group meets from 9:30am – 11:30am on Tuesday and welcomes parents and children of all ages. This is a chance to do fun activities with your children. Gold coin donation, mums, dads, grandparents, carers are all welcome. It is held in the ‘Schools as Communities Centres’ (SaCC) building (Milabah). On Wednesday there is a supported playgroup that runs from 9.30am 11.30am.
Windale Public School incorporates a Departmental Preschool which operates on a full day basis, 8.45am - 2:30pm. Children attend a 3 day session and alternate week 2 day session. Enrolments are made from waiting lists compiled by the school. The Preschool is very much a part of the Windale School environment and the children are included in a variety of whole school activities.
If there is to be any change in after school arrangements for students, please write the teacher a note. This can prevent unnecessary upsets. Please make sure your child/ren are aware of arrangements for getting home safely prior to coming to school. The Office staff are very busy and can not always guarantee messages will be passed on promptly. This is especially important in the case of separated/divorced parents and differing access arrangements.
Please travel to and from school with your Kindergarten child. If this is not possible, please arrange for them to be accompanied by a responsible and reliable older brother or sister or neighbour. Small children feel secure when accompanied by someone they feel they can depend on.
With more than a million young people heading off to school each day in NSW, School Road Safety needs to be in the minds of parents and other road users. Travelling in a car, walking across the road and riding on a bicycle are all ways that people can be seriously injured on our roads. Children under 10 years do not have the skills to be safe in traffic environments. They should be accompanied to and from the school and should not ride a bike to school.
- Please take note of the following recommended guidelines:
- Park outside the school gates and in the correct areas.
- Pick up children on the same side of the road as school.
- Cross at the marked School Crossing, never call your child across the road.
- Make sure all children travelling by car are correctly restrained.
- Make certain children use the kerb side door to alight from the car.
- If your child rides a bike, ensure he/she wears a helmet at all times and in all places.
- Do not allow your child, who is under ten years, to ride a bike on the road.
- School assemblies are held fortnightly on Mondays from 2:00pm to 2:45pm in the Hall.
- Parents are invited to attend. (Due to Covid restrictions this is not available at this stage.)
- Members of the Student Executive run these assemblies.
- Classes will present items on a rotational basis (notified in Newsletter).
- Skoolbag App – Often information is shared through the Skoolbag App. (Download and add Skoolbag - Windale P.S)
Smoking on the grounds of the NSW Department of Education and Communities is not permitted.
Our school has a Sun Safe Policy in line with the Cancer Council and NSW Department of Education and Communities Guidelines– NO HAT, PLAY IN THE SHADE!
- Students will wear hats, which protect the face, neck and ears whenever they are outside e.g. sport, carnivals, outdoor excursions and activities.
- Students who do not have hats will play in designated areas.
- Students will be encouraged to use available areas of shade for outdoor play activities.
- Teachers will schedule outdoor activities before 10:00am and after 2:00pm, whenever possible.
- Staff will be encouraged to model Sunsmart behaviour.
Our School will:
- Ensure that school hats are appropriate and satisfy Cancer Council guidelines.
- Ensure that adequate shade is provided at sporting carnivals and outdoor events, where possible.
- Provide shelters and shade trees throughout the playground.
- Incorporate programs on skin cancer prevention in its curriculum.
- Reinforce regularly the Sunsmart Policy in a positive way through newsletters, parent meetings, and student and teacher activities.
When enrolling children, parents will be:
- Requested to purchase a school hat.
- Encouraged to practise skin-protective behaviour themselves.
The school’s website address is The website is updated regularly.