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Windale Public School

Windale Public School

Dream Believe Achieve

Telephone02 4948 8864


Skwirk covers the core subjects studied in Australian primary and secondary schools including Maths, Science, Technology, English, History, Geography, Commerce, SOSE and HSIE.

Benefits of Skwirk:

  • Curriculum-based content reflects what your child studies in class.
  • Textual, visual & aural information caters to different learning styles.
  • Students work at their own pace.
  • Premium students earn points for learning
  • Students won't waste time searching irrelevant and inappropriate websites.
  • is a one-stop safe environment. All the answers your child needs are right at their fingertips!
  • Subscribers have 24/7 access to Skwirk's full range of educational features including animations and audio, exams, videos, images and photos, our special highlighting system, the points system, study guides and pop quizzes. They also have access to weekly reports.