Windale Public School

Dream Believe Achieve

Telephone02 4948 8864

School Hours

SCHOOL HOURS and SUPERVISION 9:00am – 2:45pm

School Timetable: 

  • 8:30am           Morning Supervision
  • 9:00am           Morning Learning Session begins.
  • 11:00am         Lunch - sit down, supervised eating.
  • 11:10am         Play in set playground areas.
  • 11:40am         Middle Learning Session begins.
  • 1:40pm           Recess - play in set playground areas.
  • 2:00pm           Afternoon Learning Session begins.
  • 2:45pm           Dismissal.

During Term 1, Kindergarten students finish at 2:30pm, until advised otherwise.

Morning Routine: Afternoon Routine:
  • Parents are requested to ensure students do not arrive at school before 8:30am, when teacher supervision commences, unless attending Breakfast Club. Breakfast Club is held in Milabah daily from 8:00am.


In wet weather

  • Kindergarten- Year 2 students go to the classroom close to the canteen.
  • Yr 3-6 students move to the veranda near their classroom and wait outside for their teachers.
  • Students are dismissed at 2:45pm and leave the school immediately by the most suitable gates, walking directly home.
  • It is illegal to park across the school driveways.
  • Parents are requested to observe the limited parking signs in front of the school.
  • In the event of a parent being late, students will be supervised out the front of the Office.  Emergency contacts will be called if the delay is prolonged.  Please make sure your details are up to date at the Office.